Ravi Kumar from Bangalore, India age 34, was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the year 2004. There were number of black patches on his skin and some portions were appearing like burnt skin. All the hair on his body had disappeared and he had severe Dandruff on his head. He was feeling weak and numb, not having any energy in his body. He was unable to do his daily activities and could not attend work regularly. His health was deteriorating day by day. He started Urine Therapy in March 2009. Within a period of 10 days the deterioration of his health stopped completely and his physical health started improving. Since then he has not taken any pills. The black patches and burnt skin appearance has disappeared. New skin has developed and the entire complexion of his body has become very clear and soft. The hairs have re-grown on his new skin. The Dandruff on his head has been cured and he does not have any problem. Thereafter he has not undergone any test. His immune system has improved and he is feeling energetic, healthy attending his normal activities regularly without any
I am using urine therapy since last year; I made a lot of development in my health. I am HIV positive, my energy becomes vibrant. I also cured my asthma using urine.
Usually I use my morning urine three days per week.
Best Regards, Mesfin Ethiopia, Jan 13, 2014
I am good and healthy, because I was HIV+ and I was to die but since I began urine therapy am in good health and getting well and am very happy. I introduced my children to it and they are very strong and healthy. I recommend urine to all it has done me good and I have hope in life. Nairobi, Kenya Feb 03, 2014
Brother Sage!
I have been a urine user on and off for 5 years. At first I was skeptical like newbies are. My skin rashed out and I was concerned so I quit. Then retried after reading books and watching your videos. Voila! I found out the rash was really the detoxing I was going through as the water of life (orin) was simply doing it's job! I have flushed away adipose tissue, cured diabetes and am healing other things daily with the topical protocols you have perfected and mad so easy to do. Thank you! Skeeter Lawson, 2024, Nashville, TN.
Jan 05, 2015
Feedback on UT:
UT is wonder water that is a sole miracle for Humankind.
I recommended UT to a friend that had HIV and he has been drinking it alone without any anti retro-viral medication.
I also recommended that he go on fruit therapy and eat much of vegetable. Result: he has a more steady life, free of sickness. UT can cure any sickness Jack Eddy
March 27, 2015
I am writing to you filled with joy! Three months ago my viral load results showed UNDETECTED. I have been using urine therapy since I last contacted you. Thank you so much for all your research on urine therapy! I wish the whole world would practice it to appreciate and understand about urine therapy!
Warmest regards, Charles Mbaziira, Kampala-Uganda
Many thanks for your mail received on 4th June. I practiced urine therapy by swirling urine in my mouth, drinking urine, and also massaging the body. Miraculous changes have happened. My left cheek was sinking in due to fat and collagen loss (due to mouth cancer). This cheek has already become 50% normal. I mean sinking of the cheek is much less now. Also inside of the mouth feels much better now. The only thing I did not do was keep wet urine packs on cheeks and stomach and I did not do urine fasting. But now I will do all of this also. I have now gained confidence as I can see signs of cure. I am only 18 and I thought my life was over because mouth cancer is mostly fatal. Even if one survives after surgery, one has to live with deep scars on the face for life. I will not be going for any surgery, chemo, or radiation now. I really don’t know how to thank you for saving my life and saving me from face disfigurement by surgery. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the great job you are doing for humanity.
Shivani Sharma,
June 27, 2014
Mar 24, 2016
Woo hoo! this is simply a good testimony. God is indeed a great healer. I actually went for a viral test and cd4 count yesterday. I got d result from the lab technician; He was marveled at how my CD 4 counts. The last time was 574 and today is 615.
I asked him what to do coz d viral test was positive.
He said my sister, am surprise. Even it was very difficult to detect it. He said it took him almost 20 minutes be4 he could detect it. Please I just want to know if there is another way to go so as to test negative. Although I haven’t lost hope at all, Still holding on to God for a divine and total healing. Chiomaobi08 chiomaobi08@yahoo.com